Katrin Sawatzky

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Katrin Sawatzky

Community Initiatives Partner

Katrin (she/her) is an Indigenous ally and settler on Treaty 3 Territory. She partners with Indigenous communities to broaden locally-based exercises and policies that address housing, prosperity, autonomy and well-being — ultimately strengthening community. For Katrin, relationships are at the heart of her practice; her approach honours Indigenous methodologies built on ceremony and meaningful consultation. Areas of work range from: housing (developing locally-based policies and programs that increase the quality, rights and access to housing on-reserve), to addressing food security and its intersection with economic development, environmental stewardship, well-being and cultural reclamation.

Katrin’s funding proposals have resulted in over $10 million, which has led to improved community infrastructure, green energy initiatives, housing policies & programs and capacity building opportunities. Katrin also designs proposal-writing training packages and curriculum. She facilitates these training sessions in First Nation communities and at conferences across Canada, which have led her to partner with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) as a trainer for Indigenous housing administrative staff.

Some of her most noted partnerships include: Garden River First Nation, Eabametoong First Nation, Mishkeegogamang First Nation, Constance Lake First Nation, Ginoogaming First Nation, Wabaseemoong Independent Nations, Matawa First Nations Management, Six Nations Farmers Association, Nishnawbe-Aski Development Fund and the North Shore Tribal Council.

Katrin is a member of CMHC’s Expert Community on Housing and the Indigenous Clean Energy Network.

When not practicing in the field, Katrin guest lectures on campuses and presents at conferences about her work in policy, planning and advocacy. She loves hiking, gardening and playing drums in indie-rock band, Royal Castles.

Visit her website at: www.katrinsawatzky.ca

Mission: To build lasting partnerships, capacity and solutions founded on the mutual values of reciprocity, reliability and respect.
Katrin Sawatzky

Katrin’s Expertise

  • Strategy and Consulting

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